25 April 2024, Name-day for Marek, Jarosław, Wasyl. Anniversaries.

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Konica Minolta DiMage Z3

Konica Minolta Dimage Z3 is a great camera, but again I have to add - for its time, was a novelty in 2004. The matrix of the size of 4.2 megapixels may not be good enough today, but other parameters - including mechanical (it is important) the antishock system - compensated this shortfall. For this twelvefold optical zoom ... Now it does not impress very much, but at the time, in compact - it did!

Auto mode is a bit... how to tell... underdeveloped, but the manual is a very expanded and it can do literally everything. The lens could be brighter, but on sunny days - there is nothing better (yes, I know, actually it is).