19 April 2024, Name-day for Adolf, Leon, Tymon. Anniversaries.

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Computer games

A video game (or computer game) is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device. The word video in video game traditionally referred to a raster display device. However, with the popular use of the term "video game", it now implies any type of display device. The electronic systems used to play video games are known as platforms; examples of these are personal computers and video game consoles. These platforms range from large computers to small handheld devices. Specialized video games such as arcade games, while previously common, have gradually declined in use.

As we do not have a lot of games, may, for three, and only one which is not a shame (up as much!) to show. The game is under freeware license. Note, that all our games and tools are in polish only.